John Resource Center

Thank you for joining us in studying the book of John.

The Gospel of John is the most unique of the four Gospels. John omits the temptation of Jesus, Jesus’ transfiguration, and the institution of the Lord’s supper. He seems to completely ignore any of the demonic confrontations and he decides not to include the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord’s Prayer. However, John’s gospel has covers precious and critical accounts not found in any of the Synoptics. These accounts would include extended information about Jesus’ early Galilean ministry, Lazarus’ resurrection, and much greater detail of the upper room discourse.

Besides it’s uniqueness in content there may be another reason why John’s gospel stands out among the others — John perhaps more than the other gospel makes the audacious claim that to know Jesus is to know God. Augustine said, “Through the man Christ you come to the God Christ.” Perhaps Augustine’s statement provides our true objective in presenting this gospel.


Fred Williams
Pastor - Snohomish Community Church

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