HSM Mission Trip

This summer we have the opportunity to travel to Mexico and live out God’s call to reach the nations with the good news of Jesus. If you would like to donate please use the link below.  And thank you for your prayers and support.

Weekly Services

Sunday Service | 11:15am-12:15pm — Student Center

We value the Word of God and have created a space for students to grow in their faith through the preaching of His Word.  Sundays are when we exposit the scriptures and where students have the opportunity to worship, learn, and connect.  Everyone stays together throughout the morning for a service specifically designed for the High School Student.   Join us at 11:15am in the Student Center!

Worship Together Weekends - The first Sunday of each new month there is no HSM Worship Service. This is so students get to worship Christ alongside the rest of the church body.

Wednesday Life Groups | 6:30-8pm – Student Center (September 23’ - May 24’)

We value Community and have created a space for students to grow together in thier faith.  Wednesdays are when students find their faith community and build lasting friendships that empower them to live out the gospel.  Small groups are grade and gender-specific and provide opportunities for students to explore God’s Word and their faith in a supportive and fun environment.   Join us at 6:30pm in the Student Center!